HTTP based API for generating random mazes


It returns a maze represented by a path.

The path is a string compound of the box drawing chars ─, │, ┌, ┐, └, ┘, ├, ┤, ┬, ┴, ┼, ╶, ╵, ╴ and ╷ representing a path.



The "hexa format"

One bit per direction. For example, 0010 represents the right direction and 0100 the down direction.

	  0 0000   
	  1 0001 ╵    up bit
	  2 0010 ╶ right bit
	  3 0011 └ 
	  4 0100 ╷  down bit
	  5 0101 │ 
	  6 0110 ┌ 
	  7 0111 ├ 
	  8 1000 ╴  left bit
	  9 1001 ┘ 
	  A 1010 ─ 
	  B 1011 ┴ 
	  C 1100 ┐ 
	  D 1101 ┤ 
	  E 1110 ┬ 
	  F 1111 ┼ 

Maze / path duality

The API actually provides a path like in the picture below (in green):

Maze + path picture

It's up to you to build the maze from the path. This script might help. It's also available on github.